Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is sNotz?

sNotz is an open-source, privacy-friendly, and completely offline application, which will let you create, customize, and manage simple notes and checklists on an android device.

Q2: To whom sNotz made for?

sNotz is made for everyone who loves simplicity, privacy, and security.

Q3: How to create a new note in sNotz?

There are few ways to create a new note in sNotz. The simplest method is to open the app and click the bottom “Add” button. The new page opened will then guide you to create a new note. Alternately, sNotz also supports picking plain text files from the device storage or share text contents directly to its note editor.

Q4: How can I edit or remove a note once created?

Single clicking on an individual note allows the user to “Edit” a note where as long-clicking provides a number of options such as “Share”, “Hide”, “Delete”, etc.

Q5: Can I backup/restore my notes?

sNotz offers a simple backup and restore mechanism. Both shall be found in the Settings page.

Q6: Can I sync my notes between multiple devices?

Being a privacy oriented application, sNotz doesn’t use any third-party data backup mechanisms. As a result, syncing notes between multiple devices are impossible. Alternatively, as mentioned in the previous question, users are free to use the in-built backup and restore feature in sNotz to get your data on a new device.

Q7: Can I protect my notes?

sNotz supports fingerprint/PIN authentication on supported devices. Also, sNotz allows one to hide notes from the main UI (Settings –> Show Hidden Notes).

Q8: How secure is my data?

All the notes and checklists are saved locally on user’s device. Moreover, the developer of sNotz doesn’t collect any kind of the user data from the app. For more information, please read the privacy policy.

Q9: I am still worried about the safety and privacy of my notes?

You are invited to inspect the source code of sNotz.

Q10: Where exactly my notes & checklists stored?

All the notes & checklists are stored locally in “json” format within the files directory (/data/data/com.sunilpaulmathew.snotz/files/) of sNotz.

Q11: I don't like the color combination of my notes, what do I do?

An option to customize colors (for both background and text) will be shown upon creating/editing a note. Additionally, the Settings menu of sNotz also offers an option to globally change the color of newly created notes.

Q12: Can I set reminders on my note(s)?

An option to create reminders can be visible on long-cling a note.

Q13: I found a bug on sNotz, what do I do?

Please contact the developer (Settings –> Support) and provide as much information as possible (including screenshots or logcat if possible). If you have a GitHub account, you may also consider raising a new issue at sNotz GitHub page.

Q14: I like sNotz! Can I contribute to the development?

Any kind of contributions (Code, Donations, Translations etc.) are most welcomed and highly appreciable.