Support the development of De-Bloater

If you like to appreciate the efforts of developer to provide De-Bloater free (always available in GitHub release page), non-intrusive and without Ads, please consider supporting the development in some way. Maintaining this project takes a lot of time. So, each and every support from the android community will be hugely appreciated.

GitHub Sponsors page:
Liberapay Donation url:
PayPal Donation url:
PayPal Donation email:
Ko-fi Donation url:

Some other ways to support the development includes, but not limited to

  1. Buy De-Bloater from Google Play. It's very cheap, but still capable to support the development.
  2. If you already purchased the De-Bloater, please consider rating or/and reviewing the same in Google Play (It's free)!
  3. Help to translate De-Bloater into your local language (or improve existing translations).
  4. Share good words about De-Bloater with others (family, friends, and other enthusiastic android users).